Thursday, January 14, 2016

3d printing in the medical field

3d printing has come a long way from where it had originally started. But possibly one of the most amazing advancements that have been made are shown in the medical field. This method of 3d printing is known as Bio-printing and focuses on printing objects using regenerative cells and tissue instead of the more conventional style of printing which is PLA or ABS; two of the more popular plastics used in 3d printing. Right up to this day the students and researchers at the University of Florida in Gainesville are currently developing a way to print objects with the use of a gel type texture that could resemble and replace organ tissue. Now with that in mind, think of all the other possibilities that could rise up from this; deformed children could be given a second chance, organ donors and transplants would no longer be needed and the average life span of a human being could possibly be increased by several years.  Although we remain many many years of research away from these accomplishments, we can see how much progress has been made so far by simply looking at the video bellow explaining how this type of 3d printer is intended to work:

Although we have not yet reached the point were this kind of technology can be used to build organs we have already succeeded in 3d printing other body parts one of which being an ear. The first person to ever receive a 3d printed ear is Kai Sherwood; a boy who was born with a missing ear. But now thanks to these medical advanced, Kai can now wear his glasses like everyone else and he even looks like he was missing an ear in the first place. Bellow are some before and after pictures with Kai's new ear:

I truly believe that with the way that 3d printing is advancing in our world it will only bring positive changes to our lifestyles and especially many more changes in the medical fields.


  1. I think that printing organs is cool but should be done with caution. As cool as it is to print out organs it still isn't the naturally made thing that we were born with. I believe that we should give scientists more time to study this phenomenon before implementing it in the mainstream.

  2. I agreed with Phil, it would be great to build an organ without needing a donor. But where would you cross the line for which organ should be built or should come from a donor. Or should they stick with things like an ear or an arm/leg. I personally believe that it should be used more for exterior organs rather interior ones.

  3. I think it is really cool to see 3d printers in good use! Organ donation process is vigorous and these printed organs could help many people in need. Nice captivating writing style, I had no idea about all of the advantages of using a 3d printer.

  4. Super cool! I love how this technology can create certain organs for those who are in need. I do also agree with Emily about the fact that we should be using these 3D printed organs for exterior organs, not interior. We should indeed be cautious with the use of this technology. Great post, keep up the good work!

  5. This kind of technology is what is going to save people's life and help millions of people in need of organs. It's cool how far we have come but does this 3D printing machine work a 100%? Like does it work all the time with no problem? But overall great blog Phil! Keep up the good work

  6. This is such a great blog!
    We no longer have to worry about my dog.
    Because I assume it works for animals
    So it can help my mammals.

    This is so cool
    How far technology has come
    We changed our tools
    Whats next? New drums?

    Thank you phill
    Reading this gave me chills
    Keep it going so I can learn
    Even though it makes me concerned

  7. great blog topic! very cool and interesting, the future of technology is amazing and will certainly help us with plenty of things, there are certainly a lot of good thing this 3D printer could do and i ts great to see it being put to good use already!! i really loved this blog you did a good job im looking foward to see more of your blogs.
